Tennis Shoes Vs. Sneakers: What’s the Difference?

If you are looking for a pair of shoes to wear for casual or athletic purposes, you might have come across the terms “tennis shoes” and “sneakers”. But are they the same thing? Or do they have different features and functions? In this article, we will explore the history, characteristics, and differences between tennis shoes and sneakers.

What Are Sneakers?

Sneakers are shoes that have rubber soles and a canvas or synthetic upper. They are designed to be comfortable, ver satile, and suitable for various activities such as walking, running, or playing sports. The name “sneakers” comes from the fact that they are quiet and allow the wearer to sneak around without making much noise.

History of Sneakers

Sneakers originated in the late 19th century when the US Rubber company created Keds, the first mass-produced casual shoes with rubber soles. Since then, sneakers have evolved into various styles and types, such as slip-on shoes, high-tops, low-tops, and more. Sneakers are also popular for their fashion appeal and cultural significance.

What Are Tennis Shoes?

Tennis shoes are a specific type of sneakers that are made for playing tennis. They have features that are tailored to the needs and demands of the sport, such as:

  • Shock-absorbent materials that cushion the impact of the feet on the court
  • Lateral support that stabilizes the feet during quick and sudden movements
  • Durable soles that resist wear and tear from frequent sliding and stopping
  • Traction patterns that enhance grip and prevent slipping on different court surfaces
  • Breathable uppers that keep the feet cool and dry

History of Tennis 

Tennis shoes date back to the mid to late 1800s when they were first called Plimsoll shoes. They were originally worn by British sailors on slippery decks. Later, they became popular among tennis players in the 1960s. Today, tennis shoes are available in various brands, models, and designs.

Why are tennis shoes called tennis shoes?

Tennis shoes are so-called because they were initially created exclusively for tennis. The word “tennis shoes” originated in the late 1800s, when the first rubber-soled shoes were manufactured. The rubber soles of these shoes gave a good grip on the court surface and were non-marking, which meant they wouldn’t scuff up the court.

Over time, the term “tennis shoes” has come to refer to any type of athletic shoe designed for sports or physical activity, regardless of whether it is used for tennis or not. However, “tennis shoes” is still a popular and widely used term for this type of footwear.

The Main difference between sneakers and tennis shoes 

The main difference between tennis shoes and sneakers is their purpose. Tennis shoes are designed for playing tennis only, while sneakers are designed for general use. Therefore, tennis shoes have specific features that make them suitable for the sport, while sneakers have more generic features that make them adaptable to different activities.

Another difference between tennis shoes and sneakers is their availability. Tennis shoes are usually sold in specialized athletic shoe stores or online platforms that cater to tennis enthusiasts. Sneakers, on the other hand, are widely available in various stores and websites that offer casual or sporty footwear.

A third difference between tennis shoes and sneakers is their price. Tennis shoes tend to be more expensive than sneakers because they use higher-quality materials and technologies that enhance performance and durability. Sneakers can range from cheap to expensive depending on the brand, style, and quality.

Features Setting Apart Tennis Shoes and Sneakers


Some of the features that set apart tennis shoes and sneakers are:

  • Purpose: Tennis shoes are designed for playing tennis only, while sneakers are designed for general use. Therefore, tennis shoes have specific features that make them suitable for the sport, while sneakers have more generic features that make them adaptable to different activities.
  • Material: Tennis shoes use shock-absorbent compounds that cushion the impact of the feet on the court, while sneakers use rubber, canvas, fabric, or other synthetic materials that are comfortable and versatile.
  • Cushioning: Tennis shoes have limited cushioning compared to sneakers because they need to keep the heel low to the ground for stability and lateral support. Sneakers have more generous cushioning for walking, running, or other activities that do not put much stress on the feet.
  • Lateral support: Tennis shoes have excellent lateral support that stabilizes the feet during quick and sudden movements on the court. They may also feature toe guards and outriggers that prevent rolled ankles. Sneakers have non-existent or minimal lateral support because they are not meant for sports that require lateral movements.
  • Durability: Tennis shoes are more durable than sneakers because they resist wear and tear from frequent sliding and stopping on the court. They also have traction patterns that enhance grip and prevent slipping on different court surfaces. Sneakers are less durable than tennis shoes because they are not made for high-intensity activities or harsh environments.
  • Availability: Tennis shoes are less available than sneakers because they are usually sold in specialized athletic shoe stores or online platforms that cater to tennis enthusiasts. Sneakers are more available than tennis shoes because they are widely sold in various stores and websites that offer casual or sporty footwear.
  • Price: Tennis shoes are more expensive than sneakers because they use higher-quality materials and technologies that enhance performance and durability. Sneakers can range from cheap to expensive depending on the brand, style, and quality.


Tennis shoes and sneakers are not the same thing. They have different histories, characteristics, and functions. Tennis shoes are made for playing tennis only, while sneakers are made for casual or athletic use. Tennis shoes have features that support the feet during tennis matches, while sneakers have features that make them comfortable and versatile. Tennis shoes are more expensive, less available, and more specialized than sneakers.

If you want to play tennis, you should invest in a pair of tennis shoes that fit your feet well and match your playing style and court preference. If you want to wear shoes for everyday use or other activities, you can choose from a variety of sneakers that suit your taste and budget.

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